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Free Trial Offer

Sign up for a no obligation trial offer of our standard or custom MoneyMonitor®.  You will receive a free four-week subscription so you can begin to realize the cost savings and other benefits of this time-tested report.  We are confident that you will want to order the MoneyMonitor®.  Our experience shows that more than 90% of those who take us up on this free offer sign up as paying customers.  The report is that useful and that good.

All we need are a few basic pieces of information to get you startet. If you would like the report to go to more than one recipient, simply provide the additional email addresses in the comment field.
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    Market Data, Reporting Tools & Consulting Services for Financial Institutions

    BancAnalytics Corporation
    P.O. Box 510385
    St. Louis, Missouri 63151

    © BancAnalytics Corporation 2013